October 2020, Susie
Suddenly I felt spaciousness and the pressure lessened in the atmosphere with a noticeable change. I felt the Lord impressing that we had come through the bottleneck of pressure and squeezing and come out the other side. There was a freshness in the air and a freedom. I felt the creeping of the enemy from behind like vines from a tree and I looked back to see them stretching through the bottleneck to follow into this new phase. The vines represented old soul ties, old relationships, old issues, old wounds, old habits, old attitudes. As we moved forward to this new space where new provision was made available I looked back to see from where we had come. As the light moved forward with us to guide us darkness engulfed where the light no longer covered and when darkness touched the roots of these vines the whole tree died. The vines of the old that tried to entangle and grab, to hold back and distract us receded and were no longer effective in their hindering.
I began wiping myself down like a dusting off of the old dust of where the vines once touched. There was no pain or grieving with the dusting off of the old as there had been this last season, as we mourned the loss of things and people, to move clean into this next season. Our hearts had been disconnected as we laid them down at the altar. This time we just had to dust off and when it felt like they were still there to remind ourselves that they were indeed now dead and useless against us. Some things need time to realise they are dead and cut off from their source.
Suddenly I saw the storehouses of Heaven open as generations of inheritance that had been withheld or robbed were released. As the inheritance and blessings were released to us, as a two-fold, the generational curses were stripped from our bloodlines. Right up the generations the curses were stripped out of the lines and inheritance was released. This resulted in the ‘suddenlies’ that God specialises in. There was restoration in families, restoration in finances and restoration in health.
Corporately, the movements that stayed Christ centred and humble, who sought God and did not stray from their divine plan despite many challenges, had their inheritance released also. This inheritance was in the form of souls, healings and deliverances. Countless people were flooding into their divine destiny and freedom responding to the “suddenly” caused by one word from God. People were catapulted, landing on their feet, equipped and ready, into their calling – excelling and being the absolute best as they were designed to be in that particular area in which they now stood. Eyes and ears were opened as people truly heard God and came into alignment with excitement and passion. Life flowed in abundance and joy was in excess wherever we looked.
This new day bursts forth like a flood, enveloping the world and bringing healing and deliverance. Mantles are being set upon those for whom they were destined. And the entire world cried “Hallelujah!”