Brian Gilliland

Over the years many fires have been carefully set and then started all over this land but due to lack of attention and failure to keep adding fuel they have not reached their potential and hence have died. A few scattered ashes are all that remain as a sad reminder of what should have been. That initial enthusiasm, expectation and excitement evaporated in a mass of excuses and blame. Dead and dying churches have become even emptier as a hungry and often desperate generation has been disappointed, disillusioned and abandoned. The effects of this is clear to see in all strands of society as weariness and a sense of hopelessness are etched on so many faces. The present is such a struggle that daring to look forward only brings even more despair and foreboding. Can this oppressive darkness ever be lifted? Is there a glimmer of hope anywhere? What incentive is there to battle on through this thick fog? Can those fires ever be rekindled so fresh hope can spread across the land to lift hearts and inspire enough optimism to dispel those dark ominous clouds? Do we dare look forward to a new year, a new decade?

The bad news is that most of those fires will never be rekindled as their window of opportunity has now passed and the mantle has been lifted. However there is good news! In the face of much opposition, apathy and criticism some have battled bravely to shine a light in the deep darkness. Their fortitude and faithfulness will now be rewarded and their flames will burn brightly in a season of great harvest and renewal. Other fires that hitherto have been hidden will now emerge and be recognised as this is their time to manifest. There will be many with passion, determination and courage that will show the good news with a vibrancy and excitement that will impact individuals, families, and whole regions. Yes, revival will sweep across the nation and the darkness will be forced to recede. A fresh sense of unity will become evident as small fires will join together to produce bigger fires. No longer will those small fires be guarded jealously and exclude themselves from the bigger picture. New ministries will be birthed and their strong anointing will see barriers and opposition swept aside. This country will find a fresh and powerful prophetic voice that will be heard around the world. There will be much activity both to and from many nations for the voice and the sound that is starting to well up will cause many to take note and have a desire to discover more. The traditional churches will start to awaken from their slumbers and find ways to meet the needs of those they seek to serve. They will welcome those they cannot fail to recognise as having a mantle of power and an intimate relationship with the Lord. Prayer and intercession will increase and be embraced by many who will suddenly realise the impact it can have in effecting change and making the seeming impossible become a reality.

As we look around we see so much dysfunction, political unrest, lack of clarity and vision and a crying need for leadership and direction. As the prophetic voice is firmly established and fuelled by precise words of knowledge it will be the catalyst for signs, wonders and miracles to become commonplace. This will impact every aspect of society and the deep hunger and sense of hopelessness that envelops so many will be decisively dealt with to bring freedom and clear purpose to rudderless ships. 

Many have been prepared and have survived tough trials and tribulations so that they can enter this new year, this new decade, to be the instruments of change, challenge, hope, vision and leadership. The slide into depression and ungodliness will be halted and fresh hope and optimism will pervade the land. Those who have remained faithful in ministry amidst much difficulty will now reap a mighty harvest as reward for their refusal to give up or abandon their call. Perfect vision is 20/20 so things that were out of focus, dull or obscure will become totally clear in 2020. God is asking us to trust, really trust, Him as we embark on the adventures that lie ahead. That trust will be amply rewarded as lives and indeed the country are changed as the fires burn brightly never again to be extinguished. May we ready ourselves and launch into 2020 with confidence, determination and expectation.

“But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3: 13, 14)

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