The end is coming to the fatherless generation. The Lord is repairing and restoring fathers throughout the land. He is creating a fathers heart where there has been no place for it before. He is bringing joy back into fatherhood. The fathers of now and then will stand and wear responsibility like a badge of honour, a mantle of authority and love.

No more will the enemy rob us of fathers. A mighty roar goes up from the hearts of men who have lost out on the miracle of fatherhood through poor choices, attitudes and circumstances. A mighty war cry of vengeance against the forces of darkness, clearing the return of the honourable and righteous father to our lands.

I see a generational healing for fathers and their children. Hearts that are hardened will be convicted and break in the presence of Almighty God, setting them free. Broken hearts will be healed and restored, with a capacity to forgive like never before. Freedom washes over relationships like a tidal wave, cleansing and refreshing.

This is a new day, where families are made whole, and the price for coming against families being higher than ever before. The protection of God rests around homes where families dwell.

May we call God unto our homes and our families to reign over us, protect us, and empower us to run in freedom on the path He has chosen for us.

The Lord says ‘I will not stand idly by whole families are torn apart and men stripped of their desire to lead and protect. I will not allow those who damage families to leave unscathed. I put a mark on families and claim them as mine, do not cross this line. Do not come over the boundary of a family unless you are willing to pay the price. I declare protection for families living under my name. I am the Lord God Almighty and I will protect what is mine.’

Psalm 127 v 4-5 declares children like arrows in the hands of a warrior, and blessed is he who has a quiver full of them.

Lord come into our homes, come into our families. Protect us and guide us. Make all plans of the enemy clear to us that we may intercede and battle for Your righteousness to prevail. Lord ignite a passion in us for our families, teach us to prioritise. Amen.

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