‘Blessed by the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle’ – Psalm 144 v 1

Hands are symbolic of power and direction, and fingers represent something to seize with, to hold on to with. We are trained to use our power for hostile encounters with the enemy, and to hold on to the right battles. The warfare has changed, it has evolved to be efficient against the strategies of the enemy. Our fight has gone underground, not only fighting ‘against’ principalities and powers, but fighting ‘for’ identity, relationships, holiness, and intimacy.

I saw a vision of an army camped out underground, each battalion having their own specific skills and strengths to equip them for their calling. As the vision progressed, the importance and significance of each soldier and unit staying focused on their call became evident. They all looked the same, smelled the same, sounded the same, yet their missions varied greatly. I saw they ate different types of food, some ate meat and some didn’t; but whatever they ate it revitalized them. Troops came in tired and weary, and another troop went out immediately in its place. When the troop came back they carried intel, information that further equipped the next troop to leave. Each person was resolutely focused on the bigger picture, the goal. Wounds were dressed well by those who were called to do so, and not given much attention by the wounded, for they remained focused.

We are entering a time of war. This war has been brought to us, but we are ready and equipped to be a part of the kingdom army. Unity is no longer and idyllic goal, rather it is a fundamental requirement of Gods people. We are to be vigilant for devices of division, in homes, in churches, in communities. There is no longer copious amounts of grace for the division of the saints. Stand in your unit and focus on your calling. Those called to wield a sword will not stop to criticise those called to feed others or dress wounds. 

This is the time to cry out for our spiritual eyes to be opened so that we can have revelation of the different parts of the body of Christ working together. Discernment is key that we will know right from wrong, and wisdom is imperative to know how to move in that discernment when it exposes agendas and strategies not of the Kingdom. 

The call is that our progress, growth and maturity will rely on our foundational understanding of the Word of God. We must humble ourselves, love one another, fight against principalities and powers instead of each other, as the fight is not against flesh and blood. The war room is our prayer closet, intimacy with Gd will be the fuel to our fire and the strength in our resolve.

I saw old telephone directories and endorsements burning on a pile, providing heat for the troops. Instead, the return to relationship and verbal interaction is how information and strategy was shared. Agendas burned and hearts expanded to accommodate others on their mission. A critical juncture was successfully navigated with the return of pure communication, as revelation came that you cannot legislate for posture of heart.

This coming year as we watch the enemy’s play, we must remain firmly rooted in God as our anchor and strength. We must tuck under the shadow of His wings and heed His instructions to avoid the strategies of the enemy and push back the darkness. Make no mistake we stand victorious, but we must stand united in our diversity with a Christ-like perception of all things. Our love for God and each other must burn hot enough to engulf self in its flames.

It is time for the passing of the old, as we fan each other’s flames to burn brighter. We are not of this world, but while we are here, it will bow before the Lord God Almighty, its creator and its source.

Choose you this day who you will serve. You are created in Gods image to thrive and prosper as an authority on earth, an ambassador of the living God. Know your God, know yourself, know your call.

Step into this New Year without fear of what it holds, take hold of your destiny and rest peacefully in the knowledge that God is God, unbeaten, unchallenged, unending, and His love for us is beyond our understanding.

Find your troop, connect with those who are like minded. Go to your war room and actively seek your assignment. Not once, not twice, but regularly. Stay on track, shout for help when you need it.

This year belongs to the Lord, and together, for Him, we march.

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