As I prayed the Lord showed me a picture of someone standing on a railway line in the middle of a dark tunnel. It seemed impossible for them to get out of the way of the oncoming train that was speeding towards them. They seemed totally trapped with no visible means of escape. They were starting to despair and resign themselves to the inevitable but miraculously the train stopped just inches away from them.
God is in control and He will not allow circumstances, trials, difficulties or the enemy to defeat you. He will not allow you to be tested beyond that which you can bear but will divinely intervene in His timing which is always perfect. Be encouraged for the Lord says you WILL smile again and the rough places will be made smooth. He loves you and has promised to protect you and grant you His serene peace. Resist the devil and he will flee for you are truly a child of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Rejoice!
“I will go before you and make the rough places smooth; I will shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars.” (Isaiah 45:2)
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