Not too many years ago it was difficult to keep in touch with friends and relatives who lived abroad. Telephone calls were prohibitively expensive so sending letters and postcards was the only realistic method open to most people. Nowadays “snail mail” is practically obsolete as we now have ready access to e-mails, Skype, cheap phone calls, text messaging, Twitter, Zoom and Facebook etc. to provide instant communication.
Keeping in touch with God has always been easy and does not require any technological skills or the purchase of expensive electronic equipment. We do not have to take into account time differences or even make an appointment. He is always available – imagine we have constant access to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Given this ease of access we should know Him much better than we do. Yet we find all sorts of reasons and excuses not to keep in regular touch. There is no greater aim in life than to have a close intimate relationship with Jesus. Make time today, and every day, to meet with Him. Your life will be greatly blessed and enhanced and you will have the best friend imaginable. So, give Him a call right now.
Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. (James 4:8)
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