Torrey Marcel Harper, 16th August 2019
This is a strategic hour for Ireland in which God shifting and establishing a new order in your midst says the Lord. For so long the voice of my prophets have been silent and in the hidden place. But this is an hour where I’m going to cause Ireland to roar and my voice will be heard through the emerging prophetic voices. The Lord says I’m releasing my abundance and fruitfulness to your land Ireland. Yes a fresh wave of life and glory are coming upon you in these days says, God. I am establishing my throne in your midst in such a way you will see shifts within your government and political official in where individuals will be moved in and the new will be moved in. Ireland I’m coming to shake in your midst, yes I’m releasing something your eyes have not seen nor your ears heard, this new movement will break out in churches and ministries across your land. I am restoring the righteous altars of your land and my revival will fall. I have given Ireland a global affecting call. Ireland you will see a new and fresh Apostolic emergence this year like never before. A holy convergence of five -fold ministries which will lead to a time of great harvest and awakening. Now is the time for the prophetic company of ireland to not only trumpet my voice but train and equip like never before. My voice will be heard and my spirit will germinate in your land through the prophetic. I am raising up schools and trainings in your midst. Those who will carry the word of the Lord in every sphere of society says God! The spirit of the Lord says “No More Delay Ireland” be establish, be brave, be courageous, you are my lampstand throughout Europe-UK and the other nations! Say the Lord!
Torrey Marcel Harper can be followed at http://www.globalprayernyc.org
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