Wednesday 12th June 2019 23:50
As the three men hung there on their crosses, their lives coming to an end, the Father looked painfully upon His son knowing it was the only way. Jesus took another ragged breath and God flowed peace to him, until the sin came fully upon him and God had to turn His loving gaze away. Jesus felt the cool of the exposure to a world without God. “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani”, he cried, with his heart and soul screaming louder than his voice ever could. Heaven heaved with the angels pulling, ready to rescue him, their Jesus, their master, in human form. The greatest test of their obedience. Jesus felt more pain in the absence of His fathers presence than he did throughout the beatings, the thorns, the nails, and the piercing of his body. The silence that fell was deafening. Who would have known that the breaking of uncountable hearts belonging to heavenly hosts and humans alike would leave such a resounding vacuum in the atmosphere. His physical survival hinged on his fathers presence. He died. The grief was crippling. They brought him down and buried him, his mother, shattered yet unfailingly faithful. The greatest loss the world would ever know equalling the greatest victory ever to take place. The highest price ever paid, the most unrecognised gift ever to be given. The world stood still, in shock and barely able to breathe. That period after death where you lose time, and reality and fantasy entwine as you try and find your bearings in what would be a new normal. Only this time the world and Heaven felt it. The enemy, short sighted and foolish, celebrated. Proving that even then he did not know God.
Three days.
Three days.
Three days.
Overwhelming loss.
As the payment was completed, there was a stirring. As the keys of death and hell were transferred there was an inhaling of a body once lifeless. As the new order was made clear and permanent there was movement in ligaments that had lay dormant for three days. The rejoicing of the enemy quietened and a panicked confusion set in. The angels looked up from their grief and cried out Holy Holy Holy. The rage of the enemy increased to a deafening roar, drowned out only by that of the heavenly hosts rejoicing at the victory they could see before them. He was alive. The crescendo of joy and worship dispelled all grief and shock. He was alive. The greatest victory of all time became apparent and those who saw him knew that he was Jesus. He was alive. He lives today. The victory stands, current and as powerful and relevant today as it did on the day it came to pass. We find ourselves standing in a time where we need to see this unfold. It is as important to stand and watch him die, and be buffeted by the waves of despair, as it is to stand and watch him rise, sending a shockwave of glory throughout the world that tore veils and set captives free. Stand and see the price that was paid. Know your God. Our living God who is the same today as He was that day when He paid the highest price for us to have freedom and victory. Victory over all sickness and sin. Know who you are, and stand. Be counted in this day where we must be the light that dispels the darkness who forgets its rightful place and needs reminded. One warrior on his face before God in obedience and humility can overcome an army of thousands. Be that warrior. Accept your inheritance.
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